Drivers Licence Medical Tests

When you apply for your NZ driving licence or special licences, you’ll need a medical assessment to state that you are fit to drive. Our team are qualified to test your eyesight, carry out a medical examination and fill out the required Transport Agency Medical Certificate.

Driving Licence Medical Test

When applying for a NZ drivers licence, renewing or replacing your licence, you are required to fill out and sign a medical declaration form. You will sometimes need to produce a medical certificate stating you are able to drive safely. We can help with this examination when required.

Our doctors and nurses can give you an eye test and carry out a Driver’s Licence medical assessment to ensure your fitness to drive. A medical fitness certificate for a driving licence is easy to arrange and it also means that you have had a basic health check.

You will need to ring Customer Service to arrange an appointment and ask for a Driving Licence Medical Test. This cannot be booked on the Patient Portal.

Reasons why you may require a Driving Licence Medical Certificate