Accountancy, MS

University of Illinois

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has consistently ranked among the top accountancy schools in the United States. The Public Accounting Report and Accounting Degree Review have rated the Illinois graduate accounting program as one of the top accountancy masters programs in the United States.

The MS in Accountancy (MSA) program is a one year (STEM Designated) accounting degree. Our students include those with limited prior accounting education as well as students with an undergraduate degree in accounting. The MSA core curriculum applies to all of our students. However, for those students who have previously taken significantly equivalent courses to any of those in our core curriculum, we will work with our students to find a suitable replacement to recognize the sufficiency of their prior accounting education.

The online Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) is a fully online program that can be completed in 18 to 36 months. The highly-engaging delivery format and our world-renowned faculty provide students with a hands-on and practice-oriented learning experience. The iMSA is designed for those already working in the accounting field looking to refresh their skill set and for those who intend to use the degree to enter the field for the first time. A mirror of the on-campus Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) curriculum, the online MSA (iMSA) uses a flexible program format. It allows students to balance academic life with other obligations.

The MSA program begins in June each year with Summer Session II.

The iMSA program begins in August and in January each year.


All applicants to the Master of Science in Accountancy program should refer to the MSA program or the iMSA program for the online program.

for the degree of Master of Science in Accountancy (on campus & online)

For additional details and requirements refer to the department's program information online and the Graduate College Handbook.

This degree program can be completed either on campus or online; the requirements are listed below:

Course List
Code Title Hours
ACCY 501Accounting Analysis I4
ACCY 502Accounting Analysis II4
ACCY 503Managerial Accounting4
ACCY 504Auditing4
ACCY 505Federal Taxation4
or substitute graduate accountancy courses approved by a program advisor
Graduate electives with at least 4 hours credit in a non-accountancy graduate course 12
Total Hours32

Other Requirements

Grad Other Degree Requirements
Requirement Description
Other requirements may overlap
Minimum 500-level Hours Required Overall: 20 (of the total 32 required)
Students shall earn at least 24 of the 32 total graduate hours while enrolled in the Graduate College at Urbana-Champaign.
Electives shall form a coherent program of study approved by a program advisor.
Minimum MSA program coursework cumulative GPA, both by semester and program overall 3.0
Minimum MSA accountancy coursework cumulative GPA, both by semester and program overall 3.0

An optional CPA Review course ( ACCY 398 ) is available. The credit hours for the CPA Review Course do not count towards the 32 credit hours required to graduate.

International students with TOEFL scores below 613 (paper-based), 257 (computer-based), or 103 (internet-based), or IELTS score below 7.0, are required to take the English Placement Test (EPT) when they arrive on campus. After taking the EPT, most students are required to take a Business English course sequence. For these students, completion of the ESL course sequence is mandatory but does not count towards the 32 hour degree requirement.

for the degree of Master of Science in Accountancy (on campus & online)

Learning Objective #1: Discipline-based competency

One goal of the MSA degree is to impart competency in traditional accountancy topics (financial reporting, cost accounting, federal income tax, and auditing), with an expectation of performance at a level higher than undergraduates. Besides providing a technical foundation for career success, a secondary goal of this learning objective is to prepare students to pass the AICPA Uniform CPA examination.

Learning Objective #2: Social and Communication Skills

Students should be able to communicate with others regarding technical accounting topics.

Learning Objective #3: Teamwork

Students should demonstrate the ability to collaborate as an effective team member in varying roles in a diverse group in and in diverse tasks.

Graduate Degree Programs in Accountancy